Australian Law and Politics

What is this subject about?

In this Civics and Citizenship elective students will:

  • Learn about the Australian legal system, including its core principles and structures, focusing on case studies on the Constitution and the Whitlam dismissal.
  • Learn about the legal processes in Australia and run a moot court.
  • Learn about the Australian political system and the role of political parties, during which students ran their own mock political campaign as a political party.
  • Learn about global governance and Australia's roles and responsibilities as a member of the United Nations.

Why might I be interested in this elective?

This is an elective that would be of interest to students who:

  • Are interested in understanding more about government in Australia, the Constitution and the Australian legal system including the structure of the court hierarchy.
  • Would like to understand more about elections and what Australian political parties stand for and how parties campaign in elections.
  • Enjoy having opportunities to apply your learning in creative, real life simulations.
  • Have an interest in pursuing Legal Studies or Politics pathways into their VCE and beyond.

How will I demonstrate my learning?

  • Analysing case studies to make connection between learning and everyday life.
  • Analysing the current political scene and making assessments of government policies.
  • Engaging in a mock Federal election by developing an effective campaign strategy.
  • Investigating crimes and their impact on individuals and society.
  • Participating in a moot court activity.

Possible VCE Pathways in this Learning Area:

Note - there are no Year 9/10 Elective pre-requisites for students to undertake the VCE courses listed below. These are suggested pathways only.