Year 9/10 Electives

Electives are one Semester in length. Electives in 2025 will all have 8 periods (lessons) per cycle, with the exception of Year 10 Unit 1/2 VCE Subjects, which will have 9 periods per cycle.

In Year 9 and 10, all students will undertake one Semester of core History studies with the elective blocks.

VCE electives may only be chosen by students who will be in Year 10. VCE subjects count as 2 electives (1 per semester) as they take place over a full year.

Students are required to undertake at least one elective from each of the Creativity, Enterprise, and Global Citizenship strands across the two years.

The viability of any subject will be determined by the number of students choosing it. Electives will be blocked into the timetable on the basis of student choice. Students will be notified about which confirmed electives they will be studying as soon as possible. Once students are allocated to elective classes that they have selected as one of their choices or as a reserve, they will not be able to move into another elective.

Year 9/10 Electives 2025



Art Creative Practice 2D
Art Creative Practice 3D
Dance Styles and Choreography
Media - Film
Media- Photography
Musical Theatre - The Triple Threat
Page to Stage
Stage and Screen Acting
The Musician
The Contemporary Songwriter
VCE Art Creative Practice 1&2 (Year 10)
VCE Dance Units 1&2 (Year 10)
VCE Drama Units 1&2 (Year 10)
VCE Music Units 1&2 (Year 10)
Ancient Cultures
Criminal Mind
MyScholar (Year 9)
Outdoor Education
Sports Science
VCE Biology Units 1&2 (Year 10)
VCE Outdoor and Environmental Studies Units 1 & 2 (Year 10)
VCE Physical Education Units 1&2 (Year 10)
VCE Psychology Units 1&2 (Year 10)



Behind the Scenes
ESTEM Innovator
Internship (Year 10)
Money Management
Product Design and Technology- Fashion
Sporting Life
Visual Communication Design
$20 Boss
Australian Law and Politics
Click and Connect
Disaster World
Global Politics
Rights and Freedom
Literature: Turning the Tide - Rebellion & Protest

Some electives listed above are similar to electives offered in 2024 but with different titles. Year 10 (2025) students should note the following:

If you have studied this elective in Year 9You will not be able to study this elective in Year 10
ABCs of DesignVisual Communication Design
Acting for ScreenStage and Screen Acting
Clay and SculptureArt Creative Practice- 3D
Digital MediaMedia- Film
Digital PhotographyMedia- Photography
Foundation DrawingArt Creative Practice- 2D
Garment ConstructionProduct Design and Technology- Fashion

Select buttons below to explore electives in more depth.