Art Creative Practice 3D

Why might I be interested in this subject?

By undertaking Art Creative Practice 3D (formally known as Clay and Sculpture) you will develop your art making skills using a range of three-dimensional art forms. You will explore materials such as paper, wire and clay. 

By undertaking Art Creative Practice 3D you may want to extend your art making skills by experimenting with different media, or perhaps you like creating and making things with your hands? Perhaps you enjoy working with 3D forms rather than drawing or painting? Students in Art Creative Practice 3D  will work towards producing art in sculptural forms. 

What is this subject about?

Art fosters creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills. Art Creative Practice 3D provides a healthy outlet for emotional expression, boosts confidence, and enhances cultural awareness. Students explore artists and designers that make 3D works and respond to this research to make their own art forms. 

How will I demonstrate my learning?

  • Visual Diary
  • Research Task
  • 3D Folio of works

Possible VCE Pathways in this Learning Area

This subject is a direct pathway to VCE Art Creative Practice. However, all the subjects in Visual Arts Electives can prepare you for VCE studies such as; Art Creative Practice, Product Design & Technology, Visual Communication Design. These courses have many common components and transferrable skills.