Media- Film

What is this subject about?

In Media you will develop practical skills and creativity. In addition, this subject will develop valuable transferable skills such as critical thinking, analysis, research and planning skills of inquiry and evaluation.

In this subject you will undertake training in the use of Digital Cameras and Software programs; Adobe Photoshop and Premier Pro editing applications. Through the effective use of these applications, students can use their creative abilities to produce a range of media assets; photography and/or film that are original, engaging and targeted to an an intended audience.

Why may I be interested in this elective?

The course will include:

  • in-depth and hands on practical examinations of the different technical aspects of media
  • exploration of lighting; natural, studio lamps, external flash and alike
  • the investigation of the works of prominent photographers and film makers
  • the development of a project examining themes and ideas developed by you, the artist.

Key to making any media product is understanding how to manipulate the technology, cameras, lighting and editing effects.

You'll learn to use a Digital Single Lens Reflex camera with confidence by understanding the technical components.

You'll look at other photographers and film makers, learn and understand how and why they made their art and use this as inspiration in your own work as you develop your ideas and creative style.

How will I demonstrate my learning?

The course is organised into different creative projects:

  • Visual Diary: in which you will organise your technical experiments, conduct research, develop your ideas, and reflect on your own work.
  • Research Task: for which you will analyse and interpret photographs and/or films.
  • The Creative Project: this will give each student the opportunity to develop their own style while visually investigating a them or idea that they research and develop themselves which regularly receiving feedback from their teacher and peers.

Possible VCE Pathways in this Learning Area

This subject is a direct pathway to VCE Media. However, all the subjects in Visual Arts Electives can prepare you for VCE studies such as; Art Creative Practice, Product Design & Technology, Visual Communication Design. The courses have many common components and transferrable skills.