Page to Stage

What is this subject about?

In this course you will:

 • create and respond to drama independently, in small groups and with their teacher 

• focus on and engage with a diverse range of performance styles 

 • learn about theatre from a range of cultures, times and locations 

 • form a production team to present a published play-script to an audience 

• perform a mini-monologue 

 • attend professional theatre productions

In this course, you will be making and responding to drama independently, in small groups, with your teacher and to an audience. You may act, or you might be back stage, behind the scenes!

In this course you actually don't have to act! You may choose to, but each assessment task will have the option to focus on the design of theatre.

Page to Stage is a Drama course that focuses on performing or designing, published plays and monologues.

In this course, the class will form a production team to present a published play-script to an audience.

You choose two focus areas of strength and interest from the following production areas:

- acting

- lighting design

- sound design

- directing

- costume design

- hair and make-up design

- set design

- props

Once in a production team, the class will prepare the script for performance to an audience.

You will also be given a range of options for a mini-monologue from published works and will go and see professional theatre productions for inspiration. These monologues are often past NIDA, WAPA or VCAA Audition Scripts to assist you to think about the profession & auditions for beyond Ruyton.

We will also see a live theatre performance.

      Why might I be interested in this elective? 

      • Do you love designing, directing or acting out scripts and plays?
      • Do you love reading published plays? Maybe you are interested in History and love watching plays on the stage?
      • Design for theatre could be if you are interested in architecture, fashion, sound or lighting design, you might like making objects such as props or sets or you might even like directing. 
      • You may love reading plays and seeing live theatre

      How will I demonstrate my learning?

      Seeing a Live Theatre Show & writing about it

      Performing a Short Monologue

      Performing / Contributing to a Class Play to an audience

      Possible VCE Pathways in this Learning Area

      Note - there are no Year 9/10 Elective pre-requisites for students to undertake the VCE courses listed below. These are suggested pathways only.