VCE Art Creative Practice Units 1 & 2 (Year 10)


In 2024 we are running Art Creative Practice ACP - not Art Making and Exhibiting AME. The subjects are the same in regard to the art making part - but instead of studying exhibitions you will study artists. If you were going to do AME just select this course!


VCAA Art Creative Practice Study Design (includes Past Exam Papers, School Based Assessment, Glossary of Terms and Frequently Asked Questions)

UNIT 1: Interpreting artworks and exploring the Creative Practice

Area of Study 1

In this area of study students research and analyse three artists, their practices and their artworks. They analyse one artwork by each artist and interpret meanings and messages. In doing so, students will discover analysing through different Interpretative lenses can enhance their understanding of artworks and the way they reflect the artist’s interests, experiences and thinking.

Visual diary of a student exploring and researching a range of artists.

Area of Study 2

In this area of study students are introduced to the Creative Practice through Experiential learning activities guided by the teacher.

Students explore at least three art forms. They respond to a range of artworks, ideas and the practices of artists through experimentation and exploration. They build skills using materials, techniques and processes, and explore areas of personal interest to develop and make visual responses.

Students investigate the practices of selected artists as inspiration for their personal visual responses. From their personal investigation of artists and their practices, students develop a range of visual responses through a series of tasks in three different art forms. Students also develop their visual language by experimenting, exploring ideas, and using materials, techniques and processes relevant to their three selected art forms.

Above - Wood cut carving, gouache painting, wax sculpture - 3 different art forms are explored by students.

Area of Study 3

Students develop their art practice by responding to the ways artists conceptualise, develop, and make their artworks. They provide annotated documentation of their experiences in Making and Responding in a form appropriate to their art practice. Students reflect on their research and exploration undertaken in Area of Study 2 and understand that evaluation and documentation are integral components of the Creative Practice. They document the visual responses to the ideas they have explored, their creative and critical thinking, and their trials and experimentation with materials and techniques.

As artists, students reflect on their use of relevant components of the Creative Practice and evaluate and annotate their use of visual language to communicate ideas of personal interest. They use the language of the Structural and Personal Lenses to critically analyse and evaluate their personal explorations and visual responses.


  1. On completion of this unit the student should be able to discuss the practices of three artists, and apply the Structural Lens and the Personal Lens to analyse and interpret one artwork by each artist.

  2. On completion of this unit the student should be able to use the Creative Practice to develop and make visual responses informed by their exploration of personal interests and ideas.

  3. On completion of this unit the student should be able to document and evaluate the components of the Creative Practice used to make personal visual responses.

UNIT 2 - Interpreting artworks and developing the Creative Practice

Area of Study 1

In this area of study students focus on the ways in which art reflects and communicates the values, beliefs and traditions of the societies in which it was created. They will apply the Cultural Lens to study the practices of at least three artists from different cultures and times. 

Area of Study 2

In this area of study students continue to develop their art practice as they explore collaborative practices to make and present artworks. Students explore ideas of personal interest related to culture.

Students resolve at least one finished artwork and consider presentation of their artwork and the context in which it will be viewed.

Collaborative practice can include working with other students to create a collective artwork, working with practicing artists and outside specialists.

Area of Study 3

In this area of study students build on their knowledge and skills, and continue to document their art practice. They develop and evaluate their use of visual language. Students explore and reflect upon the relationship between the artist, artwork and viewer or audience by researching the practices of artists and the context and presentation of artworks. 

Before finishing their artwork, students present a critique of their use of the Creative Practice. They respond to the feedback they receive from the critique to resolve their artwork. 

Students also use the Cultural Lens, and the other Interpretive Lenses as appropriate, to document and annotate their use of the Creative Practice. They document their visual responses to artworks and any feedback they receive from their critique. 


  1. On completion of this unit the student should be able to use the Cultural Lens, and the other Interpretive Lenses as appropriate, to analyse and compare the practices of artists and artworks from different cultures.

  2. On completion of this unit the student should be able to use the Creative Practice to explore social and cultural ideas or issues to make and present at least one finished artwork using collaborative approaches.

  3. On completion of this unit the student should be able to critically reflect on, evaluate and document their use of the Creative Practice to develop and make collaborative visual responses.


  • An extended written responses and short-answer responses supported by visual references
  • Visual Diary of visual responses with annotations that reflect and evaluate the art practice
  • A folio of at least one finished work

UNIT 3: Investigation, ideas, artworks and the Creative Practice

Area of Study 1

In this area of study students use Project-based learning as they begin to develop a Body of Work. Students research one artwork by a selected contemporary or historical artist as inspiration for their own art practice. 

Responding to the research, students explore their own ideas through their use of the Creative Practice. They explore the ideas communicated by the artist in the selected artwork and develop ideas in response. The student’s personal response, resolved in a finished artwork, requires them to use the original artwork as a departure point for further investigation. Direct reinterpretations or appropriations of the original artwork should be avoided. Students may create their response in a different art form than the artwork they research.

A students visual diary - this sample work shows the student making their own artwork in response to the research of a selected artist.

Students refine their skills and visual language in the resolution and presentation of at least one finished artwork. They will demonstrate how the idea they have chosen to explore relates and responds to their research.

Students evaluate, reflect and talk about their use of the Creative Practice in a critique, which includes the presentation of at least one finished artwork. Using the appropriate Interpretive Lenses, students discuss how they have responded to their research, the ideas they have focused on and how they have explored and experimented with materials, techniques, processes and art forms to establish their visual language.

Finished artwork made by a student - and an analysis of the work using the Interpretative Lenses.

UNIT 4: Interpreting, resolving and presenting artworks and the Creative Practice

Area of Study 1

In this area of study students continue to use the Creative Practice to develop, refine and resolve the ideas they developed in Unit 3. 

After beginning Unit 4 students present a critique to evaluate and reflect upon their use of the Creative Practice. They evaluate how they have responded to inspiration and influences throughout their Body of Work, and how they have explored and experimented with materials, techniques and processes in at least one selected art form to establish their visual language in personal visual responses. Through discussion, students identify and classify emerging ideas in their artworks. Students consider and reflect on the feedback they receive. The feedback the students receive from the critique will focus on how effectively they are communicating ideas in their artworks and how they can continue to refine and resolve their Body of Work.

Final artworks - left artwork clay figure - right artwork gouache painting

Area of Study 2

In this area of study students continue to use Inquiry and Project-based learning as the basis for their use of the Creative Practice. They further develop and refine the Body of Work commenced in Unit 3, and continue their ongoing exploration and experimentation of personal responses. Using the feedback received from their critique, students progressively refine and resolve their ideas and visual language in their artworks.

Area of Study 3

In this area of study students undertake research of artists, their practices and their artworks. They critically analyse and interpret the meanings and messages of artworks and use evidence and the appropriate Interpretive Lenses to support their interpretation and point of view. Using appropriate terminology, they compare the meanings and messages of historical and contemporary artworks.


1. On completion of this unit the student should be able to document their use of Creative Practice and present a critique to inform the refinement and resolution of a Body of Work.

2. On completion of this unit the student should be able to use the Creative Practice to resolve and present a Body of Work.

3. On completion of this unit the student should be able to compare the practices of historical and contemporary artists, and use the Interpretive Lenses to analyse and interpret the meanings and messages of selected artworks.


  • School-assessed coursework (SAC) for Unit 4 (10%)
  • School-assessed task (SAT) for Units 3 and 4 (60%)
  • End of Year Examination (30%)