Ancient Cultures

What is this subject about?

In this History elective, students explore:

  • What is meant by culture and civilisation and how the legacies of the ancients can be identified today.
  • Stories of love, war and political intrigue.
  • Discover Ancient philosophies and how these shaped thinking then and now.
  • The characteristics of Mesopotamia as the first civilisation
  • The everyday lives of people in the Ancient world, such as their beliefs and cultural practices.
  • The history of ancient civilisations, with a focus on key aspects of:
    • Ancient Egypt
    • Ancient Greece
    • Ancient Rome

Why might I be interested in this elective?

This is a History elective that would interest students who:

  • Are keen to learn more about archaeology, ancient history, different cultures over time.
  • Have an interest or curiosity about the art and architecture of the ancient world.
  • Like to think like 'detectives' to piece together explanations about the past from evidence.
  • Enjoy identifying links between the legacy of Ancient societies and modern day life.
  • Have an interest in pursuing History pathways into their VCE and beyond.

How will I demonstrate my learning?

  • Engage in a simulated mummification practical, following all the steps involved in embalming and preserving the dead, just as the Ancient Egyptians did.
  • Examine archaeological and historical evidence and consider how it reflects the powerful beliefs of ancient Egypt.
  • Engage in a historical investigation with reasoned conclusions that uses a range of relevant evidence about political, social, economic aspects in ancient Greece.
  • Develop a historical research essay about leaders and legacies in ancient Rome.

VCE Pathways