Criminal Mind

What is this subject about?

  • The Criminal Mind elective is designed to cover a range of theoretical and empirical material to enable students to develop an understanding of the “criminal mind.”
  • It will allow students to explore different topics that contribute to a clearer understanding of criminal behaviour, including social psychology and nature versus nurture.
  • In addition to this, the students will work in a group to develop a gaming experience that incorporates course content. This project will enable students to develop a broad range of transferable skills over the course of the semester including problem solving and communication.

Why might I be interested in this elective?

This elective is for students who have an interest in psychology and criminology. 

If you are interested in learning about theory and empirical research that has contributed to our understanding of the ‘criminal mind’, then this is the elective for you.

How will I demonstrate my learning? 

Students will demonstrate their learning through the completion of:

  • Two topic tests on psychological theory. Both of which will require students to recall and apply their knowledge of the course material. (individual assessment)
  • The group gaming experience and accompanying project logbook. (group assessment)