MyScholar (Year 9)

What is this subject about?

In the MyScholar elective, students will develop the skills and dispositions to undertake the requirements of the Year 9 MyScholar Program and prepare them for the Year 10 Program. This subject is about providing students with opportunities to immerse themselves in a particular area of interest within one of the 4 Scholar Strands.

  • Students lead and plan their own authentic Immersion Experience to deepen their understanding of their chosen Scholar Strand (Sub-strand). The Immersion Experience is offered to a select group of Year 8 students, developing leadership capacity in Year 9 students.
  • Students actively target their personal development by identifying and growing two dispositions that complement their own skill profile and support their advancement through the program. For example, some past students have chosen to develop their ability to:
    • Communicate effectively
    • Adopt shared responsibility and take cooperative action
    • Approach thinking and problem solving collaboratively
    • Engage willingly and openly with others
    • Value multiple perspectives
    • Demonstrate resilience in new situations

Why might I be interested in this elective?

Students who have a deep interest in a particular area and want to delve deeply into a topic of their own choice would be interested in this elective. Students who are self-motivated, enjoy learning deeply and value the opportunity to create their own unique immersion experience would find this elective rewarding.

How will I demonstrate my learning?

Year 9 students complete written planning and reflective tasks that support them to target their personal development. Year 10 students complete a written reflective task, oral progress presentation and share their research as an original body of work in a format of their choosing.

Possible VCE Pathways in this Learning Area

Note - there are no Year 9/10 Elective pre-requisites for students to undertake the VCE courses listed below. These are suggested pathways only.