Behind the Scenes

Why might I be interested in this elective?

  • Do you love being connected with a drama production, but would rather run the technical or backstage side of things, rather than be in the spotlight? 

  • Or do you plan to be a star, and realise that all great actors know the ins and outs of all aspects of a theatre production? 

Either way, this elective is for you! 

What is this subject about?

In this course you will:

 • examine the stagecraft areas of a production 

• explore an area of interest in a production team 

• experience being a crew member for the Ruyton Year 7 and 8 Play 

• explore the production industry and profession 

• experience a live professional theatre performance and analyse the stagecraft 

This course covers many facets of the theatre production industry: ushering, ticketing, seating, publicity, staging, costuming, sound, lighting, make-up, set production, properties, occupational health and safety and industry knowledge. 

This course doesn’t require students to perform; it is about all of the other facets of putting on a performance. It is a practical skills-based course that focuses on all of the stagecraft areas needed to put on a show and work in the industry. 

As a part of the subject, this class will form the backstage crew for a Ruyton production. You will be responsible for running the sound and lights, stage management, design and advertising. You will also go and see live performances that you will learn to analyse in terms of the design and stagecraft.

“I do not believe in the supremacy of the director, designer, actor or even of the writer. It is through collaboration that this knockabout art of theatre survives and kicks. It was true at the Globe, The Curtain, The Crown, and in the ‘illustrious theatre’ of Moliére and it can work today.” Joan Littlewood

How will I demonstrate my learning?

  • Live Performance Analysis
  • Production Folio
  • Crew Member for a Production Reflection

Possible VCE Pathways in this Learning Area

- VCE Drama

-VCE Theatre Studies

Or, just as an elective so that you may like to be involved in further backstage opportunities during your years at Ruyton.

Or you may be interested in Architecture, or Graphic Design, Fashion, VET subjects such as Hair and Beauty, Furniture Making, VISCOM

Note - there are no Year 9/10 Elective pre-requisites for students to undertake the VCE courses listed below. These are suggested pathways only.