ESTEM Innovators

What is this subject about?

ESTEM Innovators focuses on integrating Entrepreneurship, Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (ESTEM). This elective focuses on environmental sustainability.  

Through an entrepreneurial lens students will explore topics including algorithms and coding (Python), robotics and automation, UX design, as well as data science and analysis techniques.

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Why might I be interested in this elective?

This elective combines creativity with technology while developing essential entrepreneurial skills. By engaging in hands-on projects and real-world applications, you'll  enhance your problem-solving and critical thinking abilities, whilst gaining practical experience in coding, robotics, UX design, and data science. 

How will I demonstrate my learning?

You will demonstrate your learning through a variety of engaging and interactive methods, including hands-on projects, coding exercises, and real-world applications. By creating innovative solutions to environmental challenges, you'll showcase your understanding of algorithms, Python programming, robotics, UX design, and data analysis techniques. 

Contact Mr. Taylor - if you have any queries regarding this elective.