Internship (Year 10)

What is this subject about?

Internship is a program where students authentically intern with companies out in the community. Students get the chance to work closely with professionals and learn skills such as working with colleagues in a professional manner, dealing with deadlines, and how to handle workflow. While it takes a lot of preparation to get ready for internship, the benefits pay off exponentially once there. 

Interested students are to send a letter of application and resume to Ms Kennedy by August 9 2024.

Why might I be interested in this elective? 

  • Are keen to learn more about themselves and develop a personal portfolio 
  • Are inquisitive and would like to explore career opportunities
  • This elective will interest students who would like to experience the world of work and work closely with a mentor.

How will I demonstrate my learning?

  • Personal portfolio development 
  • My style reflection 
  • Career exploration
  • Resume development
  • Letter of application 
  • Interview technique
  • Industry Presentation of Learning  iPOL 

Possible VCE Pathways in this Learning Area

The skills developed through the Internship program are applicable to all VCE studies 

  • Note - there are no Year 9/10 Elective pre-requisites for students to undertake the VCE courses listed below. These are suggested pathways only.