Disaster World 

What is this subject about?

This Geography elective:

  • Explores the geographical concepts of place, space, interconnection, change, environment, sustainability and scale as well as considering the patterns and consequences of hazard and disaster events.
  • Explores environmental hazards and disasters that impact natural and human environments.
  • Deals with the location, processes, effects and management of these events whilst reinforcing the geographic concepts (SPICESS).
  • Reinforces Spatial Technology using a range of geographic evidence, such as satellite images, maps, diagram and other primary and secondary evidence.
  • Prepares students for key understandings in Unit 1 Geography.

Why might I be interested in this elective?

This elective that would be of interest to students who:

  • Are interested in understanding more about key natural and human processes that shape the world that we live in today.
  • Are interested in understanding more about key natural and human processes that shape the world that we live in today.
  • Enjoy focusing on case studies of key natural and human processes and the challenges that these create through hazards and disasters such as droughts and bushfires, earthquakes and tsunamis and the impacts of climate change.
  • Would like to understand more about the way in which hazards and disasters are caused and managed by a range of individuals, groups and governments.
  • Have an interest in pursuing geography or environmental science pathways into their VCE and beyond.

How will I demonstrate my learning?

  • Engaging in fieldwork and developing fieldwork reports
  • Exploring case studies to make connection between learning and everyday life.
  • Identifying, collecting, and describing a range of geographic evidence.
  • Representing geographic information in a range of forms.
  • Explaining and analysing a range of geographic concepts and their outcomes on natural environments.

Possible VCE Pathways in this Learning Area

Note - there are no Year 9/10 Elective pre-requisites for students to undertake the VCE courses listed below. These are suggested pathways only.