• Senior School
  • Senior School Learning Programmes, Assessment and Reporting Information 2024

Senior School Learning Programmes, Assessment and Reporting Information 2024

Senior School students and parents are able to access learning resources, Continuous Feedback and Reporting through the Intranet. This enables students and their parents/guardians to access all relevant information about learning programs, co-curricular and community events in the one place.

Accessing Learning Resources

Student and parents/guardians can access information relating to learning programs, including resources, by clicking on the tab Resources

and selecting My Classes (2024) from the drop down menu. You will then be able to select from the subjects your child is studying in 2024. These pages are continually updated as the year progresses according to the learning programs that are developed. 

The primary purpose of this section of the Intranet is for students to access learning materials, course outlines and information about homework and assessment tasks. It is particularly useful for students who may be absent from class or wish to access learning resources from home.

Continuous Feedback and Reporting

The Ruyton Assessment and Reporting Policy states that the fundamental purpose of assessment and reporting is to establish and understand where students are currently in their learning, and to establish a pathway for future learning. The process of assessment can be formative or summative and both forms of assessment inform learning pathways for our students.

Formative Assessment plays a key role in learning programs at Ruyton. It takes place when evidence about student achievement is collected, interpreted and used by teachers, learners and their peers to make decisions about the next steps in the student’s learning. According to John Hattie, Professor of Education and Director of the Melbourne Education Research Institute at the University of Melbourne, “Feedback is among the most powerful influences on achievement” when used appropriately.

Feedback for formative assessment tasks will be provided to students and parents/guardians via the intranet and can be accessed by clicking on the Your Child tab at the top of the page.

If you have more than one student in Senior School their names will all appear in this drop down menu. When you select this option you will see a section called Marks and Feedback which will include feedback on formative tasks. For some tasks this may be a comment, for others a mark or a grade.

Summative Assessment refers to the assessment of a student’s learning at the end of a learning cycle. Summative assessment tasks will also be used to evaluate and review learning and teaching programmes, and are the tasks which will be reported on the Semester Report.

Feedback and results for summative assessment tasks will also be provided to students and parents via the Intranet, and can be accessed by selecting the Continuous Reporting tab in the top right hand corner of the dashboard page of the intranet.

This will take you to a page titled Student Results which again has a drop down menu if you have more than one student in Senior School. As summative assessment tasks are assessed for each of your child's subjects they will appear in this section and will also be used in Semester Reports. Student results for subjects studied at Trinity Grammar School through the Co-ordinate Program will also be able to be accessed through the Student Results section of the Ruyton Intranet.

While we recognise the value of providing continuous feedback and reporting to students and parents via an online platform, we are also very aware of the potential for this process to increase student anxiety. New Summative Reporting data will only be available once a teacher has entered marks and comments for every student in the class, and in addition, will only be made visible to both students and parents from 5.00 pm on the day that it is uploaded. Students receive notifications each time a new piece of Summative feedback or assessment is uploaded to the Intranet at 5.00 pm daily, while parent notifications are sent at 6.00 pm on the same day.

Semester Reports

Students in Senior School will receive feedback, including marks and comments, on a number of assessment tasks undertaken throughout each Semester. For feedback to have a positive impact on student learning it needs to be specific to a task or learning sequence, identify strengths and areas for future focus and development, and include advice for future learning. It is most effective when provided immediately after a task or assessment is undertaken, rather than at the end of the Semester. 

Semester reports include information about your daughters approach to learning as described by a set of ‘Learning Dispositions’, as well as feedback on a set of Learning Area Competencies which are specific to particular subjects and providing information that would have previously been discussed in report comments. They will also include the Achievement Grades for major assessment tasks which have already been reported, with feedback, for major assessment tasks. Rather than teachers writing one comment on the semester report, written feedback will have been provided to your daughter throughout the semester to support her learning. 

Parents/Guardians are able to download and print the feedback provided throughout the Semester if they wish to retain this along with the summative Semester Report.