• Assessment and Reporting

Assessment and Reporting

Continuous Online Reporting

Continuous feedback on learning is provided to parents and students through the Ruyton Intranet.  

Student Learning Conferences 

Parents and students attend Student Learning Conferences to discuss each students' growth, achievement and areas for future focus in their learning. Student Learning Conferences are held late in Term 1 or early in Term 2 for Years 7-12, and again during term 3.

End of Semester Reports

Parents receive written reports at the end of each semester, ie: at the end of Term 2 and at the end of Term 4. These reports will be delivered digitally. The format of these reports is as follows:


A brief outline of the subject matter covered during the semester.


The Learning Dispositions reflect a student's approaches to learning both within and beyond the classroom for each subject. The Learning Dispositions reflect the Ruyton Values and are common for all Learning Areas. The following Learning Dispositions will be reported on in Semester reports on a scale of Consistently, Usually, Sometimes or Rarely.

  • Actively participates in learning
  • Learns independently
  • Shows initiative
  • Reflects on learning and responds to feedback
  • Shows respect and empathy
  • Works through challenges
  • Engages in collaborative learning
  • Demonstrates personal organisation


The Learning Area Competencies are specific to each Learning Area and reflect a student's achievement in these areas throughout the Semester. These are assessed on a scale of Exemplary, Competent, Developing, Beginning, Not Shown.


A number of assessment tasks graded on 10 point scale: A+ to E, where:

A = meets all the stated criteria, often with distinction.

B = meets all the stated criteria with competence.

C = meets most of the stated criteria with competence.

D = meets some of the stated criteria with competence.

E = meets some of the stated criteria. 

NB: The +, when added to a letter-grade, indicates a higher level of achievement within the stated category.

For tests and other tasks which receive a numerical score, the approximate range for each grade is:

A+ = 93% - 100% A = 85% - 92%

B+ = 77% - 84% B = 69% - 76%

C+ = 61% - 68% C = 53% - 60%

D+ = 45% - 52% D = 37% - 44%

 E = <37%

In addition, the following symbols may be used:

NA - assessment task not undertaken (due to absence or illness)

NS - assessment task not submitted

DNS - did not sit the Examination due to illness

Comparative Reporting

Students, parents and/or guardians will not be provided with median or average class or cohort scores for a specific task. Students are encouraged to focus on personal growth and achievement.

Parents/guardians may request Comparative Reporting for student achievement across a Semester.  During Term 2 each year information regarding this process is published in the Ruyton News.

Penalties For The Submission of Late Work

The following penalties will be imposed for the late submission of assessment tasks:

  • one letter grade per day (A drops to B+)
  • over the weekend a two letter grade reduction applies
  • one week (7 days) after the due date, the work will receive UG (ungraded) although it still may receive an “S” as a work requirement.

In special circumstances, eg illness or extended absence, an extension may be negotiated with the teacher. This negotiation should take place before the due date and thereafter the negotiated revised date is binding.

Academic Awards

Academic Awards are presented to students in Years 11 and 12 at the discretion of the Director of Learning and relevant staff.

Certificates of Commendation are awarded to students in Years 7 to 10 who consistently strive for personal best and demonstrate the Ruyton values (Character, Citizenship, Endeavour and Integrity) in their approach to learning.

Academic Honours are awarded at the end of each semester to students in years 7 to 12 who have achieved C+ or above for all assessment tasks and who have achieved an overall 'A' grade for 75% or more of their subjects. Enhancement studies will be taken into consideration in Year 12. Students who have received 6 Academic Honours Certificates are entitled to wear a symbol on their blazer pocket. Note that previous to 2024, Academic Honours were known as Work Honours.