Year 9-11 Examinations 2024

In 2024 Year 9 and 10 students will undertake examinations in the following subjects in both Semester 1 and Semester 2:

Year 9: English, History (1 semester only), Mathematics, Languages, Science

Each Examination will be 1 hour in length, with additional reading time provided.

At Year 9, Examinations contribute 10% towards the Semester Overall Grade for each of the subjects listed above.

Year 10: English, History (1 semester only), Mathematics, Languages, Science, any VCE Unit ½ subjects being undertaken

Examinations in English, History, Year 10 Mathematics and Mathematics A, Year 10 French, Year 10 Chinese and Science will each be 1.5 hours in length, with additional reading time provided.

At Year 10, Examinations contribute 20% towards the Semester One Overall Grade for each of the subjects listed above in Semester 1, and 30% towards the Semester Two Overall Grade.

Year 10 VCE Unit 1/2 Examinations (including Mathematics and Languages) will be the same length and weighting as the Year 11 VCE Unit 1/2 Examination. This will vary depending on the subject studied and students will be provided with this information prior to the Examination period.

Year 11 Examinations are undertaken for all Unit 1/2 subjects being undertaken.

The Semester 1 Examination Period dates are outlined below:

Year 9 and 10

Year 11

Study Day

Thursday 6 June

Wednesday 5 June

Exam period commences

Friday 7 June

Thursday 6 June

Exam period concludes

Friday 14 June

Friday 14 June

In the weeks prior to the examination period, subject teachers, Mentors and Wellbeing Leaders support students to plan their revision and develop strategies to use their Study Days and the examination period effectively, in order to demonstrate their learning during this formal assessment period.

Students in Year 11 who are undertaking a Unit 3/4 subject are expected to attend Unit 3/4 classes throughout the Examination period, including on the Year 11 Study Day, unless a class is scheduled at the same time as an Examination. In that case, the Examination will take precedence.

If a Year 11 student has a Unit 3/4 SAC scheduled at the same time as a Year 11 Examination, the SAC will take precedence and the Examination will be rescheduled. Students should contact the VCE Manager if this is the case well in advance.

With the exception of Year 11 students undertaking a Unit 3/4 subject, students are not expected to attend school on their Study Day or on any day where they do not have an examination. On days where students do have an Examination, they are asked to arrive at school at least 30 minutes prior to their examination commencing. If students have more than one examination in a day, they are expected to remain on campus in between their examinations. The library is available for students to undertake private study between examinations, and for Year 11 students the Senior Study Centre is also available each day.