Click and Connect - from VEJA's to Venice!

What is this subject about?

Click and Connect is a Geography elective in which students will:

  • Consider where our clothes come from and explore the implications of fast fashion on a local, regional and global scale- How do we, as consumers affect the supply chain through our purchasing decisions?
  • Investigate the changing nature of travel - what makes a good holiday destination and what are the pitfalls of tourism?
  • Explore how trade works and the global impact of industries.
  • Prepares students for key understandings in Unit 2 Geography.

Why might I be interested in this elective?

This elective that would be of interest to students who:

  • Are interested in understanding more about our global interconnections and how we can play a part in changing those that are unethical, broken, or illegal.
  • Would like to understand more about the way in which fast fashion, trade and tourism have impacts on a local, regional, and global level.
  • Have an interest in pursuing geography or environmental science pathways into their VCE and beyond.

How will I demonstrate my learning?

  • Engaging in fieldwork and developing fieldwork reports
  • Exploring case studies to make connection between learning and everyday life.
  • Identifying, collecting, and describing a range of geographic evidence.
  • Representing geographic information in a range of forms.
  • Explaining and analysing a range of geographic concepts and their outcomes on human environments.

Possible VCE Pathways in this Learning Area

Note - there are no Year 9/10 Elective pre-requisites for students to undertake the VCE courses listed below. These are suggested pathways only.