Rights and Freedoms

What is this subject about?

In this History elective students will:

  • Investigate the struggles for human and civil rights from 1945-today.
  • Come to understanding which rights were denied to certain groups and the values and attitudes that underpinned this discrimination.
  • The ways in which groups and individuals campaigned for and achieved important social, political, and legal change.
  • Consider work still to be done to address inequalities in today’s society, within a range of cultures and contexts.
  • Explore areas of focus such as:
    • Civil Rights in the USA – including the stories of Martin Luther King, Rosa Parks, and Malcom X.
    • Economic and Political Rights for Women in the UK and Australia.
    • Current rights movements in the world today – Student Choice.

Why might I be interested in this elective?

This elective would interest students who are:

  • Engaged with global issues in our world or have a particular interest in social justice.
  • Interested in lesser-known historical stories and the rebels that fought for rights and freedoms.
  • Want to better understand how history connects to our modern life and why there are still movements for change.
  • Interested in pursuing History or Politics pathways into their VCE and beyond.

How will I demonstrate my learning?

  • Engaging in class discussion to share ideas and explore different perspectives.
  • Analyse sources to show your understanding of values and attitudes existing in historical contexts and cultures.
  • Compare and contrast the movements for women’s rights in Australia & the UK.
  • Work collaboratively to undertake an inquiry into a current rights and freedoms movement of your choice.

Possible VCE Pathways in this Learning Area

Note - there are no Year 9/10 Elective pre-requisites for students to undertake the VCE courses listed below. These are suggested pathways only.