VCE Outdoor and Environmental Studies Units 1 and 2 (Year 10)

VCE Outdoor and Environmental Studies Information Video

VCAA Outdoor and Environmental Study Design (2024-2028)

Unit 1: Connections with Outdoor Environments

This unit examines some of the ways in which Indigenous peoples and non-Indigenous peoples understand and relate to nature through experiencing outdoor environments. The focus is on individuals and their personal responses to experiencing outdoor environments.

Students are provided with the opportunity to explore the many ways in which nature is understood and perceived. Students develop a clear understanding of the range of motivations for interacting with outdoor environments, the factors that affect an individual’s access to experiencing outdoor environments and how they connect with outdoor environments.

Through outdoor experiences, students develop practical skills and knowledge to help them act sustainably in outdoor environments. Students understand the links between practical experiences and theoretical investigations, gaining insight into a variety of responses to, and relationships with, nature.

Unit 2: Discovering Outdoor Environments

This unit focuses on the different ways to understand outdoor environments and the impact of humans on outdoor environments.

In this unit students study the effects of natural changes and impacts of land management practices on the sustainability of outdoor environments by examining a number of case studies of specific outdoor environments, including areas where there is evidence of human intervention.

Students develop the practical skills required to minimise the impact of humans on outdoor environments. They comprehend a range of vocational perspectives that inform human use of outdoor environments. Through reflecting upon their experiences of outdoor environments, students make comparisons between outdoor environments, as well as develop theoretical knowledge about natural environments.

Assessment in Units 1 and 2 

There are three outcomes per unit which will be in the form of - 

  • Two from - case study / written response / data analysis / oral presentation / visual presentation
  • A practical demonstration of key skills, with reference to outdoor experiences in addition to ongoing logbook entries of outdoor practical experiences.